Corten Hotel is a three-star rated structure, with an unique concept within the regional hospitality reality. It is settled in S. Maria of Licodia, at the feet of Etna, province of Catania.


TEL: +39 0957 179 334

HOTEL: +39 320 870 5770

RESTAURANT: +39 320 858 1568

Via Aldo Moro, 38 - 95038 Santa Maria di Licodia CT


  /  News   /  Car rental service for cerimonies and events

Corten Hotel - Ristorante, Pizzeria e SPA

Car rental service for cerimonies and events

What better opportunity than a wedding, a bachelor party or a birthday to finally travel on the car of your dreams? Make your events even more special by choosing the perfect car for the perfect moment. Thanks to the collaboration between the Corten Hotel and Nobil Car, a leading company in the province of Catania in the field of car rental services for events, it will be possible for our guests to choose between a wide selection of vintage cars, sports cars and luxurious cars to move around the locations and to take wonderful pictures that can immortalize your special occasion.
Rely on the highly professional driving experience of a uniformed driver, and enjoy a sophisticated service that will surprise your guests.

Visit the website to appreciate the wide selection of cars at your disposal, and book the car of your dreams.